The Kever of Rabbeinu Abraham ben HaRambam

Last week, in conversation with the  renowned Israeli field archeologist and historian, Yossi Stepansky,*1 I was so stunned by the information that he  shared that I had to sit down.  Conveniently, I was passing my favourite felafel restaurant near  ‘Shem and  Ever’ in Tzfat at that moment, and so I was soon restored. Nevertheless, I am still bursting with excitement over the information that he  shared with me.

To cut to the  chase:

 A recent discovery in the Florentine Scroll (Megilla Firenza Ms. Magl. III, 43) *2 has revealed that the location of the kever of Rabbeinu Abraham ben HaRambam may actually be right next to that of his father in Tverya (Tiberias).

I catch the bus to Tverya specifically to visit the  kever of HaRambam almost every month, one of the  few excursions  I make from my hermitage in Tzfat.  The newly discovered possibility that Rabbeinu Abraham is also buried there is an extremely uplifting one, and one  which could make the Tverya complex a major site of contemporary Jewish-Sufi pilgrimage  and devotion.



The Megilla Firenza  is

 “a little-known 14th-century scroll whose illustrations and texts trace the journey of its maker, a Jewish Egyptian painter, from Cairo to Lebanon through the land of Israel and its holy sites. Eleven meters long and featuring some 130 places and landmarks, the Florence Scroll (so-called because it is housed in the National Central Library of Florence) is the second oldest extant document – after the 6th-century Madaba map – to offer a detailed and extensive portrayal of the land of Israel.” *3

The curator of  the 2021-2022 Israel Museum exhibition of the scroll was Dr. Rachel Sarfati and she has completed a fully illustrated  study of the megilla, (in hebrew only at the moment, but an English language edition is in preparation).  Though the existence of the Megilla Firenza was news to me, she has been painstakingly studying it since 2011.

On Pages 106-108 of her new book, “The  Florence Scroll,a 14th century pictorial pilgrimage”,  Dr. Sarfati  states that the  Florentine Scroll contains strong evidence that the grave of Rabbeinu Abraham ben HaRambam (1186–1237 C.E.)  lies in the near vicinity of the  graves of his father and grandfather in Tverya.

In the Scroll’s  illustration of that Tverya site, to the left of the kever of the Rambam, we see a tomb with the superscript “Abraham” and the  word “Kifaya”.  She writes:

The inscription accompanying the illustration of R. Avraham's tombstone [in the Florentine  scroll]  consists of an abbreviation of the name of the sefer that he wrote in Arabic: Kifayat al-Abadin, (Sufficient for the Servants of God), which surely indicates that this is  a reference to [Abraham] the son of the Rambam, who was governor of the Jews of Egypt in the first half of the 13th century.

Dr. Sarfati reminds us that Rabbi Abraham ben HaRambam passed away in 1237,and she concludes that the megilla had to be drawn after that date, suggesting the first decade of the fourteenth century. Significantly, the assumed Tverya tomb of  R’ David Maimuni I (died 1300)*4 does not figure in the Megilla Firenza. Dr. Sarfati posits that the reason for the omission might be because she believes that the scroll was written after R’ David HaNagid passed away but probably before his bones were brought to Tiberias for reburial. 

 It is highly likely that that the Egyptian owner of the Florentine Scroll was himself connected to the ‘Maimonidean’ Fostat Jewish community (though  obviously not at the  time Rabbeinu Abraham was Nagid) and consequently [in my opinion] he  would  certainly have been aware of the Kifaya.  

Furthermore, I wonder if the reason for reference to the Kifaya is because the owner was a Jewish Sufi  himself. If this were so, perhaps the reason R’ David I Maimonides does not get a mention on the scroll might be because of his somewhat negative attitude to  the way the Egyptian Pietist movement was developing during his nagidship. Although many members of the Maimonidean dynasty (especially Rabbeinu Abraham, R'Obadya, and R'David ben Joshua) were all staunch supporters of  ascetic and solitary practice,  R'David (Obadya's brother) had strong reservations.*5 It is also notable that the tomb of R'Abraham, unlike some of the neighbouring tombs drawn in this section of the scroll, is crowned with the the same kind of prominent canopy attributed to his illustious father.  These factors would amplify the Jewish-Sufi significance  of the illustration in the Florentine  Scroll.

Though the Kifaya we know today (usually in translation as Rosenblatt’s Highways to Perfection  or Wincelberg’s Guide for the  Servants of God) is reconstructed from fragments and is far from complete, the sections which have come down to us (so far) are, without doubt, the foundational manual for Jewish-Sufis to this day—a Jewish Kitab Adab al-Muridin as it were.

The mention of the Kifaya on the Megilla Firenza is a clear indicator of its great significance to the creator of the scroll, and may also be evidence of its general fame.  As Professor Paul B. Fenton has intimated, though it has been somewhat neglected in recent times Rabbeinu Abraham’s complete and monumental Kifaya was once  widely distributed and studied. Professor Fenton writes:

By dint of its sheer volume, this work was probably the most important product of all Judaeo-Arabic literature. In its original form the work consisted of four parts, each divided into ten sections, each of which was again subdivided into ten chapters. Only two parts have come down to us in a more or less complete state, they alone containing 500 pages. Supposing that the remaining chapters were of the same scale, the work must have consisted of about 2,500 pages, i.e. thrice the size of the Mishneh Tôrâh.*6

The  section of the megilla showing the graves of  the Rambam and R’Abraham *7

The descriptor reads: ר' אברהם בנו בעל הכיפאת 

The term Jewish-Sufi was first coined by Professor Fenton to describe the mediaeval Egyptian Pietists who followed a Sufi pattern of devotional life. They existed (in embryo form) at the time of the Rambam himself  but it was not until the time  of R’ Abraham HeHasid and Rabbeinu Abraham ben HaRambam that the pietist group became  a flourishing movement.

 I have considered myself to be an aspiring Jewish Sufi since the 1980's, spurred on by experience as a gamelan musician in the environment of Islamic-Javanese kebatinan, but I became  a devoted  murid (disciple) of R’ Abraham ben HaRambam when I first encountered his Kifaya in 2003. For me  personally, and for all other Jewish Sufis who follow the  halachic-sufi path that he promulgated, this revelation by Dr. Sarfati has great importance.

Were it not for the kindness of Yossi Stepansky, I would  never have been aware of the Megilla Firenza and its Maimonidean significance, but Providence seems to work ‘at the appointed time’ and that time  is Now:  The ‘Maimonidean’ Egyptian Pietists believed that their activities would advance the return/restoration of prophetic inspiration. I share this belief and consider the  Jewish-Sufi ‘Path’ which the Kifaya describes to be one of the principal means by which that restoration will be brought about.*8   

The Hidaya of Ibn Paquda was a manual of  ethics and spiritual practice that took the form of contemporary and classic Sufi manuals, but it was written as a guide for  individuals. By contrast, Rabbeinu Abraham’s Kifaya  was (and still is) the manifesto of a tariqa: a spiritual pathway, a community of like-minded seekers, and an organised  movement. The Kifaya mentioned in the Florence Scroll was, to some  extent,  a commentary and expansion of the  work of the Rambam, but it was much more than this—its chapters described a pietest “special way” (al-suluk al-khass)  to be followed by gnostic aspirants alongside and in tandem with their  own meticulous and loving halachic observance of the “common way” (al-suluk al-‘amm) followed by all Jews.

These chapters of the Kifaya were (and still are)  an inspiring compendium of principles  for a specifically Jewish form of Sufic activity that traces its  silsila (lineage) exclusively to Jewish prophets, whose kirkha (initiation garment) was the mantle of the  prophet Elijah, and whose Sufic arba’inniya (forty day retreat in a solitary cell) was modelled on that of Moses. Though Rabbeinu Abraham held the literature (and many of the principles and practices) of Islam in the highest regard and with profound respect, he did not trace his Sufi movement’s spiritual lineage through any Islamic line, but sought to adapt and adopt only those Islamic Sufic practices that he believed were  remnants of the practices of the biblical bnei nevi’im (schools of the prophets).

  Rabbeinu Abraham writes:

 Do not hold us in contempt for comparing [our] situation with that of the Sufis [of Islam], for it was the  Sufis who imitated the [hebrew] prophets and walked in their footsteps,not the prophets in theirs.*9

He also maintained, and frequently defended, his  ‘orthodox’ Jewish integrity and that of his followers in this context.  As such, he is truly the ‘rebbe’ of the kind of ‘hasidism’ we now call Jewish-Sufism and his (presumed) kever is thus especially significant to us. 

Addendum December 11 2022:

Dr Sarfati's book is now also available in English.

For those who found this article to be of interest: There is now a new online Jewish Sufi group ( Tariqa Eliyahu HaNabi ) with its own website and Facebook Page. (click  HERE to view further details) 


©Nachman Davies

Tzfat,  Lag BaOmer 2022

The kever of the Rambam in Tverya

May the merits of the Rambam and his son, Rabbeinu Abraham shield us.



*3 R.Sarfati, The Florence Scroll: a 14th century pictorial pilgrimage from Egypt to the Land of Israel, 2021,Israel Museum Jerusalem.

*4 Not to be confused with R’David Maimuni II (R’ David Ben Joshua) who died 1415 C.E. and who authored the profoundly Jewish-Sufi classic entitled Al-murshid ila t-tafarrud wal-murfid ila t-tajarrud  (usually known as Al Murshid).

*5  see Midrash Rabbi David HaNagid,Paris, MS BN Heb.297,fol.44a

*6 Fenton.P,  Maimonides—Father and Son;Continuity and Change, in Traditions of Maimonideanism,ed. C. Fraenkel,Brill,Leiden 2009, page 114.
*7 These two illustrations are scans from a purchased copy of  Dr. Sarfati’s book on  Florence, Ms. Magl. III, 43 / Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Firenze.   To purchase the book:
 *8 For more on  this, see my book, The Mitkarevim: Jewish Contemplatives and  the Return of Prophecy”.

*9 S.Rosenblatt,Highways to Perfection,vol II, Johns Hopkins Press,Baltimore 1938,page 320.